NaP is suitable for all parents who want to improve their relationship with their child.
Why start during pregnancy?
The relationship with your child starts to develop during pregnancy. Representations of your baby and parenthood develop during pregnancy. Pregnancy is a time for the father and the mother to reflect on the future life change. Dreaming and planning are important; they prepare for the coming baby year.
It is quite common for pregnancy to be accompanied by mood swings and uncertainty about the future for both parents. Questions about how life will change or whether you will get enough support for yourself will be pondered. What about your relationship, your work life, your friendships?
It is important to give space to all feelings and thoughts.
At the same time, however, the relationship with the baby is already beginning to develop. Feeling the baby’s movements – what is the baby like? The desire for protection and affection for the baby starts to form in the parent’s mind.
Sometimes, the future responsibilities can worry you: how will I cope as a mother or a father?
NaP gives space to all these experiences. At the same time, song and playfulness provide experience-based support for your sense of competence as a parent and your relationship with your baby.
The baby year
Early interaction, how the parent plays and cares for the baby on a daily basis, is a prerequisite for the baby’s development. A small baby is born with an undeveloped brain. Relationships build the essential neural structures for a baby: how to regulate their emotions and begin to understand other people. Therefore, Early interaction is a prerequisite for a baby’s social development.
The baby year is also often exhausting for parents, at least temporarily. Sleep deprivation, irregularity and meeting the baby’s needs are draining. Relationships change, with less time for each other during the baby year.
NaP gives space to reflect on the different circumstances of the baby year. NAP actively supports you in creating a sufficiently sensitive relationship with your baby.

With an older child
Children have different temperaments. With some children, interaction is natural; there is plenty of playful contact, and the child expresses when they need care from their parents. Other times, there are interruptions or difficulties in interaction. The child is challenging and needs a lot of support with emotional regulation. The parent’s life circumstances may be stressful.
NaP helps you pause, with the help of a counsellor, to create successful, good moments of encounter with your child. Playful sessions aimed at strengthening effective interactions empower the parent and create an experience of trust for the child. It also gives the parent space to reflect on how best to understand their child.