NaP training and guidance for professionals

Practitioner training Master Practitioner

During the NaP practitioner, you will learn how to conduct an active NaP interaction process that systematically increases interaction and the adult’s reflective ability towards the child and the interaction, either in a group or with families. It is also possible to qualify as a practitioner for both types of work.

NaP is carried out according to the manual.

In implementing NaP, the trainee must learn and commit to working according to the model. The NaP model involves preparing the parent for the work (NaP interview), conducting NaP sessions according to the model, videoing the sessions, and asking for feedback from parents.

Group Nap

Group NaP is for parents and babies/toddlers. It is a closed group that often works from pregnancy onwards. The groups are small (around four parents) and have two practitioners.

Family NaP

Family NaP involves a single family (parent + child, both parents + child) for around seven sessions. The intervention can be carried out alongside other family work, taking 30-40 minutes for each session. However, for Family NaP to achieve its objectives, it must be done periodically, systematically (following the manual) and using the accompanying video work.

Therapeutic Family NaP

Family NaP can also be carried out on a longer-term basis. In this case, the work includes family MIM and reflective initial work. Therapeutic NaP, approximately 12 times, can be provided by Master Level Practitioner NaP-trained practitioners (NaP therapists).

NaP with foster families

NaP can also be implemented with foster families. In this case, it is important to consider the child’s possible trauma history and the establishment of a new relationship. Working with foster families is often done in a group setting.

Training programmes for NaP practitioners

Introduction day to working with NaP (1 day)

NaP Group and Family Practitioner training includes a compulsory introduction day. During this day, you will learn the objectives of NaP work (Theory of Emotional Availability, Reflective Work, Supporting Emotional Regulation).

After the introductory day, you can attend the Group, Family (or both) or Foster Parent practitioner training.

NaP Group/Family Practitioner

(from pregnancy to 9 years)

The training takes place in two parts after the introductory day, for 1 + 2 days. After the first session, the participants start working on their own. It is possible to complete the actual NaP© Practitioner qualification during the training. This requires two videotaped supervision clips of your work with the group. These will be prepared for the second supervision session according to separate instructions.


Trauma module (1 day) will focus on how to aply NaP with high-risk contexts, such as parental SUD, psychiatric disorders etc. Modifications and adaptations to the basic NaP program will be needed.

NaP for Foster Families

(primarily for young children aged 1-5 and their family caregivers)

The three-day training provides theoretical and practical guidance on implementing the NaP for foster families group model and requires participation in the one-day Introduction to NaP work training. Practical, concrete examples and exercises will alternate with an exploration of research. Participants will receive a NaP for foster families manual summarising the main contents of the training.

In addition to interaction activities, the training will highlight the importance of music and singing in supporting interaction and attachment. An essential part of the training is a reflective discussion, bringing together the participants’ professional knowledge and perspectives in a joint bank of understanding. At the same time, the most crucial aspect, i.e., integration into one’s own everyday life, is realised.

See upcoming Introductory Days, Group and Family Practitioner and Foster Parents trainings

Family NaP

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Family NaP

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NaP Master Practitioner
– NaP Therapist

After qualifying as a practitioner, you can apply for in-depth training in NaP family therapy. The NaP Master Practitioner training provides the following skills:

  1. In-depth exploration of family interaction patterns through the Family MIM Initiation Work,
  2. Systematic observation of Parent Reflective Capacity (RF) using the RF scale,
  3. longer (8-10 sessions) therapeutic Family MIM work with the new Master Practitioner manual,
  4. To deepen one’s professional skills regarding emotional working style and developing reflective skills.

Nurture and Play is based on mentalization theory (supporting parents’ mentalization skills) and Theraplay® Interaction Therapy.

Therapeutic Family Nap

Therapeutic Family NaP can be carried out for children aged three months to nine years in the family home or workplace. The initial work involves three meetings with parents, a Family MIM, an MIM interview, and reflective video feedback.

NaP session work (1 session, 60 min, seven meetings) is videoed, and parents are met three times for video work. Master Practitioners will have access to their in-depth manual for implementing the intervention.

Master Practitioner training

During the six-day training, you will learn new methods and how to introduce them. You will also practice developing your own emotional and reflective working style and using the latest manual. The training also includes six sessions of group coaching with your case studies.

The training takes place in three parts, 2+2+2 days. After the first session, the participants start their work. During the training, the NaP© Master Practitioner qualification can be completed. In addition to attending the training days, this requires participation in supervision events

Upcoming training: You can apply for the Master Level Training after NaP instructor qualification with an open application letter.