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Meet the trainers

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Family NaP, training packages


Family NaP


Meet the trainers

Saara Salo

Ph.D. in Psychology, psychologist, licenced psychotherapist

(family-, couples- and early interaction psychotherapy), Theraplay® trainer/supervisor (The Theraplay Institute, Chicago), MBT-F  (Mentalizing Based Treatment for Families) trainer (Anna Freud Center, Lontoo).

I have worked for over 20 years with children and families at HUS Early Childhood Psychiatry and in private practice for the last three years with an attachment-centred, interaction-oriented approach. I have been doing clinical research for the same duration after my PhD; topics include emotional accessibility, parental reflective capacity and development and research of different interaction-oriented therapies (Theraplay, NaP intervention). I am currently working as a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Helsinki. I am also a member of the Finnish Tharaplay Association and Mentalization Association boards. I first started training in mentalization-based work in 2007 and family intervention work in 2011 in London (Anna Freud Center), where I graduated as a trainer in 2018. Since then, I have been educating and supervising workers in Finland in mentalization-focused family work and collaborating with European trainers.

Hanna Lampi

Family psychotherapist- and trainer, Occupational Therapist, Nurture and Play Trainer and Supervisor, Theraplay Therapist and Trainer/Supervisor

Theraplay® trainer/supervisor (The Theraplay Institute, Chicago).

I have worked with children and families for over 25 years, first in early childhood education as a child care worker, then as an Occupational Therapist at Jorvi Hospital, and now for over ten years as a self-employed occupational therapist and psychotherapist. In addition to my therapy work, I train and supervise professionals in the healthcare sector, lecturing on topics such as play, child development, and parenting. In 2022, I created a self-care program on parent-child interaction for the website


Work: psychotherapist and occupational therapist at TerapiaLampi.